Wednesday, 04 August 2021 10:41

Full-time Teachers

吳婷婷(Wu Ting-Ting) 特聘教授 兼任技職所所長、師資培育中心主任
學歷:  國立成功大學工程科學系(資訊與通訊組)
Highest education level: The study on mobile and ubiquitous learning, Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University (Information and Communication Group)
研究室:   VT216
聯絡方式:  3050、3409(研究室)
Mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
個人網站:  連結
教師著作:  連結
學術專長:  行動與無所不在學習、資訊科技融入教學、智慧型學習系統、互動多媒體
Academic specialty: Integration of IT into Teaching, Intelligent Learning System, Interactive Multimedia
巫銘昌(Wu Ming-Chang) 教授
最高學歷:  美國普渡大學職業與科技教育博士
Highest education level: PhD, Vocational and Technical Education, Purdue University
研究室:   VT209
聯絡方式:  3110(研究室)
Mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
個人網站:  連結
教師著作:  連結
學術專長:  職業社會學、職場心理學、教育評鑑、學校行政、質性研究
Academic specialty: Occupational sociology, Psychological theories and practices in workplace, Educational evaluation, School administrator, Qualitative research methodology
廖年淼(Lyau Nyan-Myau) 教授
最高學歷:  美國明尼蘇達大學技術及職業教育博士
Highest education level: PhD, Technical and Vocational Education, University of Minnesota
研究室:   VT221
聯絡方式:  3405
Mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
個人網站:  連結
教師著作:  連結
學術專長:  技職教育研究方法、技職教育史、技職教學/教材教法(工業類)
Academic specialty: Research methods, history, teaching materials and methods of technical and vocational education (industrial)
劉威德(Liu Wei-Te) 教授 兼任通識教育中心主任
最高學歷:  國立臺灣師範大學教育心理輔導研究所博士
Highest education level: PhD, Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling, NTNU
研究室:   VT214
聯絡方式:  3100、3408(研究室)
Mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
個人網站:  連結
教師著作:  連結
學術專長:  教育統計學、心理測驗評量學、職涯心理發展輔導、數位遠距教學
Academic specialty: Psychological test assessment, Career development counseling, Digital distant learning, Advanced educational statistics
周春美(Chou Chun-Mei) 教授 
最高學歷:  國立台灣師範大學工業教育所博士
Highest education level: PhD, Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University
研究室:   VT215
聯絡方式:  3404
Mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
個人網站:  連結
教師著作:  連結
學術專長:  技職教育理論與實務、技職人力發展與訓練、技職教育課程研究、行動研究
Academic specialty: Theory and practice of technical and vocational education, Technical and vocational talent development and training, Vocational education curriculum research
陳斐娟(Chen Fei-Chuan) 教授 兼任諮商輔導中心主任
最高學歷:  國立彰化師範大學輔導研究所博士
Highest education level: PhD, Graduate Institute of Guidance, National Changhua University of Education
研究室:   VT217
聯絡方式:  2670、3035(研究室)
Mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
個人網站:  連結
教師著作:  連結
學術專長:  心理諮商與輔導、生涯教育、性別教育
Academic specialty: Counseling and psychological services, Career education, Gender education
舒 玉(Vera Yu Shu) 助理教授
最高學歷:  國立彰化師範大學工業教育與技術學系博士
Highest education level: PhD, Department of Industrial Education, National Changhua University of Education
研究室:   VT216
聯絡方式:  3036(研究室)
Mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
個人網站:  連結
教師著作:  連結
學術專長:  教學策略,批判思考教育,永續發展教育
Academic specialty: Instructional strategies, Critical thinking education, ESD

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